Online Speech… Outline for Etiquette.

Etiquette- the common courtesy of introductory gestures


Etiquette…. Why is everyone doing it when no one can agree on how it should be done?


-Why isn’t anyone using it Etiquette?

  1. generation forgets
  2. awkward, or too old fashioned
  3. not important because social media has taken over.


So, what form of etiquette should we actually use?


To be politically correct, it does not matter whether you are speaking face- to- face, or through written composition or technology device, one should state the correct form of someone’s name, know how to properly greet them, and listen to what they have to say.


How to Properly Greet Someone:

  1. eye contact.
  2. wait for a response before taking action.
  3. firm handshake (men do not offer first, unless he is high in ranking (Eric Sloan Don’t) , or kiss on the cheek. (“a gentleman must take what is offered. If it is a hand, shake it. If it is a cheek, kiss it. (Miss Manners by Judith Martin)


Correct Form of a Name.

While greeting someone, you must greet by:

  1. Woman, married, MRS. if she is not married, MISS.
  2. First& Last name.
  3. Married couple- formal: Mr& Mrs. Jonny Appleseed. informal: Jan& John Appleseed


Listen to What Has To Be Said.

  1. stop talking (ex)
  2. show interest (ex)
  3.   ask questions (ex)




What is the proper way to greet someone? How should I approach meeting a new person? Though etiquette is not always properly shown, and sometimes is considered a dying art, it can create and leave a lasting first impression that in the future, may lead to a less formal and more personal interaction.  

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