Monthly Archives: November 2014
News Story One
The school board will vote Monday on Jim Stacks request to grow his hair out for Locks of Love at 7 o’clock pm.
“We have rules for a reason, we can’t just go around breaking them,” principal Tonya King said. “the school would be chaos.” King denied a request from Jim Stack, asking to grow his hair out for Locks of Love, an organization that makes wigs for cancer patients.
King stated that if she lets Stack break the dress code rules, the whole school will break the rules, which would end in trouble.
“Every month we receive about 200 requests from families, and we have to turn down 150.” Gisel Roco said, the president of the Locks of Love organization Roco was moved by Jim’s passion to donate hair to the desperate foundation.
Roco argues that Stack should be able to grow his hair out for the Locks of Love organization. He recognizes Stack for wanting to donate his hair and supports him. He too hopes the school board will pass the request, because of the lack of human hair they have for the wigs.
The student council shows support to Jim Stack’s request and says that he should be able to grow his hair out.
“Girls have long hair and no one is distracted” Gilbert Castillo said, student council president. “I think its cool Jim wants to do this,” Castillo said, “He was so upset last year when his sister was diagnosed with cancer. He didn’t think there was a way to help. Now he can.”
Castillo shows his support to Stack by saying, “Rules were made to be broken, and this is a good reason to break one.”
The school board will decide if the rule really is worth breaking.
“I hope the school board understands,” Stack said, “I won’t be hurting anyone when it gets longer.” Stack will discover what he gets to do after 7pm on Monday.