Fun With the Family!

“What in the world is THAT?!” Rori squeaked when she picked up the heavy, square, brightly wrapped present. “I don’t know, you’re just going to have to open it and figure out yourself.” I responded.   “But I don’t want to wait! I want to open presents NOW!” She whimpered as I took the present away and walked out into my Aunt Mary’s living room, and quietly set the present behind the tree. “Chill out, Rori, we’ll get there soon enough.” Aunt Mary said. By the time the rest of the family got to the house, we were all hungry and eager to open what we had gotten.
“TIME TO OPEN PRESENTS!” Rori chanted while passing all the gifts around. After they were all grouped out, we went youngest to oldest around a circle. When it was my turn, I was glad to see a zebra Snuggie, new mirror and nail polish, my turn was soon over. When the adults were done, we would all eat, and trust me, it was obvious that we hadn’t eaten in a while. We were all gathered around to pray when my Papa walked in and we were sadly delayed from our feast.
“Well, I figured out what the big present was… and it WASN’T for me.”  Rori pouted. “Guess you’ll have to deal with it, because I’m sure you wouldn’t enjoy it!” I ignored her pity look and continued eating. “I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t like a picture frame,” said Aunt Mary. “Yes I would!” said Rori “I’m sure.” said Aunt Mary
When my brother’s family was headed back to Beaumont Rori ran up to Emmah, hugged her and said“Bye Emmah…”We were all sad to see my part of our family heading back , But we had fun while it lasted. As soon as we knew it, Rori said she was ready for Santa, yelled goodnight, and ran to her room. The rest of us looked at all the pictures that my mom took while we were opening presents. Then, we too collected all of our things and went back home. I think the best present that I got was spending time with my family.